Evening Mood

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Evening Mood’ Painting is world famous oil painting which depicts the various shades of a lady. This powerful painting is based upon the Classical British Art and French Artworks.

This painting is masterpiece which was originally painted by the famous French artist William Bouguereau. It is a part of his series of four painting, in which he personified the emotions of nature. The series has four paintings namely Dawn, Day, Dusk and Night. As an artist I imagine myself there at his place painting these paintings. No doubt there are different artist on this earth but somewhere the souls are connected. It is not important from where the artist belongs, he understands the language of art. The souls of all the artist goes in a same direction when it comes to creation of an art. And when it comes to add emotions and life to the art.

‘Evening Mood’ painting can be a great choice for the place with vintage interior. Also, it can give a contrasting effect with modern interior as well. This painting will look good in hotels and as well as houses because it offers a warm environment to the place where ever present. 

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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