Dancing to the winds- Floral Painting

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Dancing to the winds- Floral Painting is Original Handmade Artwork made from mixture of Natural Pigment colors and soothing Acrylic colors and it is for sale all around the world. This painting is an inspiration from the mesmerizing colors of nature.

The warm sunshine feels so appeasing after the cold and harsh winters. After all that time of despair, finally the light of hope has appeared. The trees and their leaves are now dancing to the winds and unveiling their happiness. Their happiness so is contagious that it is passing from one creature to another. The feeling has dispersed all the over the surrounding. It feels like this is the golden time which I was waiting for long.

Finally, the weather of gloominess has passed and the meadows of happiness has sprung. The mother earth and the nature are themselves singing the songs of their praise. Such a pure beauty it is to see the sunshine touching the ground. The flowers are getting soaked in the showers of the sunlight and the dew drops are shining like gems. The butterflies are fluttering and the birds are chirping in the bright sky. There so much to tell about this morning view, that I think am deprived of the words. But the beauty of nature is just limitless.

Dancing to the winds- Floral Painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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