The Celestial Girl-Figurative Artwork

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Celestial Girl-Figurative Artwork describes the exact idol that all women have in their mind to be like this, who can roam around freely far from the boundaries of this community. It resonates with the art lovers as it is inspirational for many.

where he will find his joy & happiness
where nobody will feel obliged to stay awake
for his dead sake (as if they ain’t sleeping right now
How could they shut their eyes Goddamn it !!

They are his sons his daughters his wife
his grandchildren his extended family members
But nobody gave a shit about him lying there dead on that bench out cold only in a single sheet

while his family is having their sweet slumber
under the coziness of their warm blankets
What are they here for
Do they even belong to him somehow?

What do they want from him now, for the sake of kindness
do they want from us now, and believe me, life is great!!!!
What do they even want from each other ?
kind of pathetic creation of God is it!!

The Celestial Girl-Figurative Artwork

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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