The Great Punjabi

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘The Great Punjabi’  is the famous Punjabi painting of all time. This painting is epitome of the real spirit of Punjab. The youth of Punjab which is known for its masculinity and has given the testimony of its valor during different ages. Therefore, this painting depicts the same. The real inspiration of this painting is the epic of ‘jeona morh’. He is regarded as the real robin hood of Punjab. The famous singer surinder shinda sang this beautiful song of jeona morh. so this painting captures the same charisma of the soorma jeona morh.

“Kaale paaniyo MAUR nu, khat KISHNE paeya. Badla le lain JEYONEYA, je maa da jaeya. Badla le lain sohneya je maa da jaeya. DOGAR dhokha kr geya haye Pag vataa ke.”

This painting is very famous among the Punjabi community of Canada and Punjabi community of Australia. Punjabi People of all around world love to exhibit this painting. They display this painting in their bedrooms and Drawing rooms because this painting revives their love for Punjab in their hearts.

Jeona morh is epic for the people of Punjab because he has fought for the rights of the poor. His personality has influenced my painting.

This painting shall revive the love for the motherland. Even for centuries, these colors will  be considered the colors of Punjab. This painting is celebration of Punjab and its real spirit of colors. Adding further, this painting is Punjab itself thriving in colors.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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