Punjabi Folk Dance-Giddha Day

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Celebration of life is is the basic idea of punjabiyat. It is actually a way of living that has been prescribed by the different layers of reforms and revolutions. Moreover, Dance has always been part of the life, no matter you live in any part of the world. But, it becomes more lively and energetic when it come to Punjab. Though, Punjabi males perform Bhangra which has become symbolic for being Punjabi. But, in case of Punjabi females, giddha has been main representation of of Punjabi feminism. It is beautifully portrayed in Punjabi Folk Dance-Giddha Day’.

Therefore, it is a beautiful painting of all time but it is actually the best depiction of Punjabi culture of all time. Thus, it is also the torch bearer painting in art of Punjab

The dance of Punjab, Girls perform Giddha during the different festivals of Punjab because it is part of Punjabi culture. Furthermore, It is the beautiful depiction of art of Punjab and by different artists like sobha singh, kirpal Singh and sung by shiv kumar batlvi and is very famous in Canadian Punjabi community.

Punjabi Folk Dance-Giddha Day

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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