The Blazing Enigma

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Size: 18 inches X 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

As we all know, that the horses are considered as the symbol of true power, strength and good fortune. Even in this painting the running horses are depicting the blazing enigma of true vigour. This wild animal portrays the pure courage and full freedom.

This majestic creature is a being of independence, nobleness, endurance, confidence, heroism and competition. Some other aspects that a horse represents are prosperity, growth, loyalty and stamina. Moreover, all horses are associated with the Feng shui element of fire as well as strong yang energy. Thus, people usually like to display such artworks in their work places.

However, the blazing enigma that this creature possesses is really amazing. Horses are truly special creatures, firstly Almighty has made them to be special in every aspect. Secondly, they develop a very good bond with humans easily. They are capable of displaying very strong emotions.

Moreover, they can form a great bond with their mates as well. Wild horses love adventure and travelling. They have the ability to choose and change anything in their life. So, this painting always spreads positive aura all around wherever one displays it.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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