The Chords of Romance- Musical Painting

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Size: 32 x 32 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Chords of Romance- Musical Painting depicts that nothing can be pleasurable when you just mesmerize with the tunes of music and with the colors of paint.

This piece of artwork is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it reflect the life in itself.

They already know it’s high time
Thus, they should be back to their safe haven
aahhh look how they are floating back
Therefore, to their hiding places before it’s too late

and they forget their way back….
But The night will be done real soon
and the day will begin its course again
Because even the waves are silent & the sea shores

have been quietened down as if
they are taking their last breaths….
Therefore, The flowers have closed their petals
Thus, they had retracted their arms back

to save what is left of their fragrances
Because, before it too is faded among the lost ones
to be back home to their dwellings….
The light is all gone by now

The light is all gone by now
& the stars are up in the black canvas
twinkling like the jingle bells all over the sky
making their presence known to everyone
even the sky is silent to embrace its solace
as it’s time it’s time it’s time….

The Chords of Romance- Musical Painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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