Abstract Water Lilies Pond

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This is one of the most beautiful Abstract Water Lilies Pond artwork which is inspired by the mesmerizing white water lily flowers that can be found in the natural ponds. The colors which are used for this painting are highly density acrylic colors. Moreover, the style used in this floral artwork is modern with a touch of abstraction. Various vibrant shades of green, brown and white are used in this painting.

The muse of this painting is actually Bennett’s water gardens in Weymouth. This park has various national and international collection of wide range of water lily species. Additionally, the special attraction of these water lilies pond is the touch of Claude Monet’s Japanese bridge of his paintings. Moreover, the vibrant shades of the water lilies of the ponds inspired this floral painting to come alive on the canvas.

Henceforth, this type of painting is quite contemporary in style and it will look best on the walls of homes and hotel receptions as well. This type of painting gives an aesthetic and natural vibe to the space where it is displayed. So, it goes very well with the modern interior decor. You can explore our website for more such modern state of art paintings.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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