The Beautiful countryside

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Size: 18 x 32 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

I remember that in my childhood, all I wanted was to move to the Big Posh cities. I was so fascinated towards those shimmers and glitters. And indeed they were elegant and graceful. But the essence of highfalutin still lurks in between. Now at this state of affairs, when I look at the sky all I see is clouds fainting away in the crowd of the cities. The color of the sky has turned pale. May be the sky and the clouds are differently tinted in the cities as compared to the beautiful countryside.

Now I steal moments from my life to spend sometime with you at serene scenes. The deafening noise of this world has weakened my senses. I forgot to live. I forgot to live with you. Now, I think I owe you something, that I am trying recompense. I want a temporary escape from this rat race so that I can sit on the cliff with you. And witness the charms of the beautiful countryside with you. I am trying to revive the love for you that got diminish in the big spot lights of the cities. I want to summon all the moments in my mind and hoard them for next time.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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