The Garden Fair

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Size: 42 inches x 28 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

On the eve of Saint Patrick’s Day, my grandmother held the Garden fair and a small tea party after it. A lot of friend and family members were invited in this event along with some of the neighbors. The feast was on full blast when I arrived there. The music was blazing in all the corridors. The guests were shuffling in and out of the rooms wearing every shade of green that was possible. However, in between the hustle, my eyes caught site of a white dress flowing and moving outside in the backyard away from all the noise of the party.

Curiosity filled me and failing to tame it, my feet started walking in the same direction. When I stepped into the backyard to feel that fresh air of breadth, I saw a crown of auburn hair whose lose ends were all over the white dress teasing the onlookers with their beauty. Little petite hands were caressing my granny’s terrier who was hiding in his tree house due to the loud noise. She picked him up and started walking towards store house in the far end of the house. Leaving him inside that safe place she came out singing some country music. Moreover, I tired to approach her but was soon overpowered by the smoldering crowd from the garden fair and I never saw her again.

It has been years since that day, but whenever I come to my granny’s house for any celebration the crown of that  auburn hair and that white dress fill my imagination. Till date I am unable to give a face to that mysterious girl that lives in my memories rent free.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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