Siddhartha Gautama-The divine light

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Size: 18 inches X 26 Inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Siddhartha Gautama-The divine light painting spread light on the life of a pure soul who realized the essence of life at a tender age. The incarnation of lord Vishnu who came on this planet to enlighten the people about the trick of happy life.

It has been painted by artist Gurdish Pannu who has payed tribute to the teaching of Lord Buddha.

with the breeze, crossing by, and the kindness it shatters,
Because, The emotions of life run steep down, until, But
And, You feel the essence of life through the teachings of Lord Buddha,
Yet, Which are to be steeped and channelized …!!!

Therefore, With the shadows getting illuminated,
And the vision getting focused, and clear.
But Here is the epicenter of, divine light, Brighter star
and the kindness all around the world….!!

Yet,it is clear and sound, that the shadows shall also pass
But, The lining shall come along and it would even clear the darkest hour,
And the teachings of Lord Gautama shall prevail, 
So shall Prevail all around the world!!!

And Still the Sun shall see the mountains and Shall reach the clouds…

Siddhartha Gautama-The divine light

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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