Buddha paintings-The eternal serenity

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This is a contemporary painting of Gautam buddha. These are acrylic colors on a canvas. Vibrant tones of blue and green colors are used to give a more natural look. Buddha paintings-The eternal serenity is included in the modern buddha artworks. However, the idea of spreading positivity and serenity all around gave a shape to this beautiful Buddha artwork.

Every person has his own perception for attaining happiness. It is all just the facts of beliefs that an individuals possesses. If one believes then it is a gem and if he does not then it is just a stone. Just like that if we believe that we are around the happiness then we certainly are happy. The presence of Lord Budhha is also believed to attract happiness to the place and people. The serenity that this paintings holds is something that can absorb all the negativity from the surroundings.

This type of spiritual painting is best for displaying on the living room walls and on the office walls as well. Such buddha paintings look amazing with the modern interiors and decor. Therefore, these type of Buddha artworks bring good fortune and spread positive vibe all around.

-The dimensions of the painting are 18 inches x 26 inches.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu.

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