Sakhiyan Saheliyan

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Sakhiyan Saheliyan is one of the most soulful Punjabi artwork that has been ever made. It is a perfect personification of the emotions of the land, which pass from one generation to another generation.

Two girls are standing at the door and they are mocking the boy who has come to sell the traditional jewelry. Their beautiful eyes profess the kindness and the charm all around. The essence of the way they are glancing resonates the time which we have lost. The traditional way of living and the aura of simplicity has eroded with passage of time.

Thus, this painting reflects the importance of traditional way of living. By glancing at it, one can find peace and relaxation because it can provide an escape from the daily routine, to the place where we come from.

Therefore, No matter where we are making our living, Punjab shall always beat in the heart of Punjabi community through the painting like Sakhiyan Saheliyan, Mere Pind da Kisaan- Punjabi Village art and Punjabi Painting Giddha Trinjana. They sing the soul of the land of five rivers.

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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