The Mystic Valley

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Size: 18 inches and 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Something has changed with the changing conventions of life. Nowadays, I get fully absorbed in every thought that ever comes to my mind. This is a freshly baked disposition and it feels like I have started a new wager with life. Something has definitely changed inside me, I just can’t pin point it. I have now inferred the politics that this world plays with us. The treasure that has actually been granted by the mystic valley has just became known to me. Neither we can count it nor can we measure it.

The worth of our existence is shattering bit by bit and with it our arrogance has also been collapsing. The rain of real delight has been showered on my soul, as if someone has put a rose on the sword in the middle of a raging war. However, I could hear them escaping on my canvas as if my thoughts are released from their lifelong prison. My mind has now become deprived of the waste obsessions and the pride has come back to its original space.

Moreover, the absence of these worldly desires is quite appealing and refreshing. Furthermore, I have started working in a new office and now I don’t even get a day off. There is prosperity all around but it feels like my expedition is just beginning. New kind of aspirations have encaptured my soul and it feels like time has stopped moving. There is a bliss flowing all around me now. Every day brings something new and exciting along with it and I haven’t stopped learning till now neither will I ever will.

-The dimensions of the painting are 18 inches and 18 inches.

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