The soothing leaves

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Size: 24 x 48 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

As an admirer of the nature, I have always been near to the beloved nature. Wandering in the lap of the mother nature by contemplating the charms of the surroundings. Now, who can take no notice of such a bewitching beauty. The vibrant flowers, the soothing leaves, pacific mountains and all those mesmerizing allurements. I can not resist my thought not to think about you my love. Each and every speck of my soul remembers you with every passing second. Only if my heart could speak and tell you that how deep my love can go, how far my breathes can follow you.

I am just like these soothing leaves, which embrace the lovely flowers. Protect them from harsh storms of the world. But, like only the flowers get all the valuing. However, I will always be there to shield you from the maleficent auras. As a reason that seeing you smiling gives more strength to me. My whole life would be more meaningful to me if only I can devote it to my love. Just like the leaves have a very subtle presence still they take pride being around the sweet aroma of the flowers. Nothing has ever been so important to me that I can stake my life for it. In this endless garden of flowers, I always and forever wish that I be next to you.

The soothing leaves.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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