The Soul of Marine- Fortune Fish Painting

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This painting The Soul of Marine- Fortune Fish Painting portrays the lucky charm of life in itself. The world has so much to show. Although, many of us has just witnessed the land bound scenic views. But the marine world has much diversification, that is worth to see. I would have considered myself devoid of this charming creation of God if I had not experienced that. There would have been an essence of blameworthiness in me. This living creature is the blessing of almighty to the nature itself that should not be captured in an aquarium because it symbolizes like capturing desires in chains. 

The fishes are the birds of the ocean who symbolizes the freedom. They fill colors to the life underneath the water. They infuse their surroundings with purity and innocence, with their mere presence. This gives us an other reason to that fishes bring good luck. In Japanese culture fishes are often symbolized as creature which enchants good fortune. This painting of mine “The Soul of Marine- Fortune Painting” reflects my feelings perfectly. I wanted to convey a message that how gracefully God has has blessed this earth.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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