A Warm Hope

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Sometimes, it feels like I’m blazing like the sun and sometimes I’m as quiet as a cool peaceful morning. But, my dear mother every time it feels like I’m just like you. Sometimes, I get angry on this world and its beings but then I remember your empathy and feel soft on the inside. People usually tell me that I’m your splitting mirror image which is sometimes as hot as summers and sometimes as chilled as winters. There is a warm hope that always resides within me.

Believe me madre, I don’t get jealous when I see someone getting successful, just like you always have been so pure hearted. I can’t take revenge or be vicious to anyone, I just don’t have that bone in me. All this is because you have always guided and supported me through every thick and thin of my life. You are the only one who has given me the treasure of such good qualities which help me in this quest of life. You have taught me the true meaning of life and shown me the real image of this world.

I am just an ordinary person when the world sees me, but for you I am someone extraordinarily special. I used to trust every person who met me with a smiling face, but you are the one who taught me the difference between the real and the fake. So, my dear mom I don’t give a single care what this world says to me.  I know that you reside in every bit of me and I promise to be always there for you.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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