The Phantom Yearning

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

As the night passes and there is the beginning of a new day, her hopes again take birth. She admires the phantom yearning that is there. She longs for it, although it hurts her and tests her patience. But, she faces each and every hurdle with every bit of confidence that she can muster. World keeps on teasing her, taunting her and making fun of her and her love. But, she doesn’t care of this world as she keeps on living her life day by day.

She has this strong belief that her yearning will end someday and that this day is going to come really really soon now. But, little did she know that this is just an illusion as her yearning is not real. It’s the phantom yearning that is unachievable. The world is also unaware of this and nobody even cares to discover the truth. The world is a cruel place which is full of illusions of a better tomorrow which is never going to come.

She is like a happy balloon which keeps on floating high in the sky no matter how many times you try to pull it downwards. People have a habit of judging people from their outer look and not what values a person inculcates within herself throughout their lifetime.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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