Tell me now- Girl Before Bath

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Size: 18 x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Tell me now- Girl Before Bath is Original Handmade Nude painting of a beautiful girl as she who is sinking down in her deep thoughts. Moreover, it symbolizes the love and romance that almighty has created.

Yes, we get lost in our thoughts anytime, any day. Does not matter that what the thought is about. It can be a good memory of the past or the worry of the future. Just in a moment, I had thought that where I am now. It is often said that it is alright to disappear for some time until you feel yourself again. But in that disappearance, I got my comfort. I never wanted to be quiet that much, never wanted to be away from lime lights. Loneliness is not always a curse, but when you find yourself it is most beautiful thing that life has bestowed you with.

Tell me now – Girl Before Bath painting is best suited for the homes as well as hotels. It can go with the contemporary interior as this painting is a combination of abstraction and realism. The colors of this painting are cool in shade so it can absolutely give a calm vibe to a place. The strokes of the brushes and knives perfectly justify the idea of the artist underneath this painting.

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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