Woman painting- The petal

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Size: 24 inches x 42 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The woman painting- The petal is a beautiful figurative painting of a young lady who is just like the petals of a flower which blossoms everyday. The colors used in this painting are highly pigmented acrylic colors. Various shades of yellow and blue color are used in this artwork. Moreover, the style is modern with a touch of abstraction.

This artworks says so much about itself with just a look. It is talking about the fragileness of a lady, which is being compared to the fragileness of the flowers. The petals of the flowers stand strong in the windy nights. And still blossoms with the bright smile every morning. Likewise, a women goes through a lot of storms. She might need a break, might need to shed tears but every morning she holds her head high. And she is once again ready for her battles to fight.

Henceforth, this type of painting gives an aesthetic yet a simple thoughtful vibe to the space where it is displayed. Paintings like this are contemporary and very trendy nowadays. So, it will look very good with modern interior decor of the living rooms as well as offices.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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