Deep Sea Music

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Size: 42 inches x 28 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Keep the pain close to your heart, and just go on smiling. By quarreling continuously with hard days, I have finally found my comfortable moments. One thing that I know for sure is that, both the hurt and the joy are only our own. And why should we try to understand the others around us, when we can contempt our heart if we could just understand our own selves first. So, don’t worry about anything and just try to live your life to the fullest by dancing to the melodies of deep sea music.

I have let loose all my worries, for I sing to the tunes of the Almighty. A fact that I have understood is that we can never satisfy the world and its needs. Just imagine if we get all the happiness of this world, then what will be left behind for us to achieve, to desire, to conquer. Moreover, the truth is that nothing is in our hands neither we can control our destiny nor change it. The world and its functioning will always be unknown and mysterious to us.

I am now in peace with my beliefs as well as with my status in this world. The society and its limitations are the least of my worries as I have known whatever there was to know about it. What will we do with the high standards or by trying to touch the sky. Because by doing so, we will loose our ground which is just not worth it. I just want to spend my life smiling and being happy as I have thrown away all the unnecessary pride. So dear ones who feel close to these thoughts, please don’t hesitate to wear them in your life. Just know this for sure that whatever belongs to you will definitely come to you one way or another. I am just a naive being, so excuse me if I said anything wrong as I don’t know anything or everything.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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