Delightful Red Roses

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Delightful Red Roses are like love affections. When its new, it is fresh and blossoming. It spreads its fragrance to its surroundings. Like the love between the two souls embrace every corner of the abode. Slowly and steadily the bud opens and petals starts blooming in the warmth of sunlight. Each petal holds a special moment of the romantic entanglements. Every amorous second is engraved on the soft petals of the rose with deep affection. These petals of love holds the sweet memories of the two spirits who got drowned in the ocean of love. 

Like every rose, a love relation too possesses the thorns of disagreements and differences. However, the rose still dwells being in the peaked thorns. Likewise the love finds its way through all the hardships and blooms brightly. The petals may fall by the time but the souls which are stained with color of sweet nostalgia does not. The flower wilts by the time but the true love does not. It keeps on blooming with every new flower that is borne with new hopes and spirits. The Delight Red Roses have so much to say about our feeling without even whispering a word.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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