MOSAICS OF MIRROR- Art for Self Realization

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MOSAICS OF MIRROR- Art for Self Realization

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

MOSAICS OF MIRROR- Art for Self Realization is an artwork which is dedicated to the idea of inspiration from mosaics of emotions or the mirrors of emotions. It represents the attachment of people and the connection of beliefs system, the natural world, history, tradition.

It is the collection (patchwork) small pieces of rhombus shape emotions of a girl which reside in her heart, the arrangement of joining the edge to edge stages through which she is supposed to pass.

Hold me in your tendering fingers and
Let me dance through your swift strokes
for i will then pervade your canvas;Thus
Let me develop those ecstatic curves, Therefore

for i must give birth to your visions;
hence,Let me exhibit your vast imagination
Thus,for i can be the window of your soul;
Let me breathe through your thoughts and love

And for i will then provide them a shape…
Mold me according to your own will and believe almigty
Thus, Let me live in this world once again
for i am just a tool to fulfill your dreams;

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!