The Beauty of Mauritius

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Art is a silent language. And this artwork of mine features ‘The Beauty of Mauritius’. Which is Original Handmade artwork made from acrylic colors. I painted this Elysian artwork last year during my trip to Mauritius. The beauty of that place, the serenity and the peace that it gave was mesmerizing. Consequently, these are the driving forces that allow me to paint this painting. The aim behind painting was to keep the calmness of this place forever with me….

Flowers has always been a representatives for human emotions. They have spoken for love and even for grief. For comfort and even for condolence. Between the concept of dichotomy, lies the beauty of a flower. The deep and rich, yet soothing colors of the blooming flowers and leaves fill our hearts with contentment and resonates the happiness. The Beauty of Mauritius lies in the richness of patterns of natures. The painting embodies the petals and leaves of nature together. Though, the flowers are nature symbols. But here I have put attention in abstraction of those charming creations.

To is a blessing, but the best part is to live with colors of life.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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