The Origin of Happiness

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

People worship the Almighty, but I have made you my God. People ask me about my faith, but painting is my religion and my pilgrimage. There is nothing that gives solace to my soul other than these vibrant colors on my canvas. Every fiber of my body is filled with the excitement to create new pieces daily. People ask me about my inspiration, but this nature and its creations are my muse. My mind creates a thousand pictures as soon as I close my eyes. The origin of happiness sprouts from there.

Every second wasted in doing these worldly things makes me more determined to achieve what I have in my mind. The happiness that comes to me every time I complete a new piece is out of this world. I can’t express in words how blessed I feel to have this talent to see the world through my canvas. Life has taken me through various paths, some were smooth and some rough. But, every path that I travelled has left a deep impression on my heart.

The words of wisdom that I have learnt from my mentors are forever engraved on my mind. People ask me what is happiness and I tell them being able to do what you love and aspire to do is the most delightful thing in the world. Things don’t always go your way, but every time you face a hurdle you will outshine in it and will be one step closer to your victory.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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