Gautama Buddha-The spiritual meditation

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Gautama Buddha-The spiritual meditation the incarnation of lord Vishnu who founded Buddhism. Mahatma Buddha has gone through the dilemma of choosing between the family and truth of life just to wake up the society to follow the right path.

The meaning of life is eternal, eternal is the meaning of life,
The fact is inevitable and reality is far from society,
The quest of sun, and the quest of love,
For that matter is the kindness and the love forever,

It maybe struggle or it maybe divine,
But the truth of the matter is, would we ever encounter the truth,
And the sorrows, the kind hearten sorrows, 
All just fade away, and shall remain all together,

Until the sounds of echo reach us, and we find the real truth
Which is the nicest of all and greatest of all

But let me confirm, let me lighten,
Let me fly and let me die, it is the aura of Lord Siddhartha
with the satisfaction and purification
Yet it is all that I seek and all that I love,

Gautama Buddha-The spiritual meditation

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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