Rhythmic Day

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Size: 24 inches x 42 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Don’t say anything, just don’t say anything at all. What do you want to say now, what do you want to listen to, as I know that you know everything. It feels like the grains of time have just stopped and in this moment no one is there except you and me. So, don’t say anything and just breathe in the peace that this solace is offering us. This rhythmic day will reach to its end soon, but before that happens let us relive and rediscover ourselves to anew.

See, the colors of this dusk are so deep yet so subtle that they strikes your soul and make it vibrant. What more can this beautiful silent evening offer us. Just dive with me right into its core and take benefit of its calmness. Look at the clouds, how they are in tune with the melody of this evening as if they are silently praying for it to never end. No one is there to interrupt us at this hour, so why not listen to each other more patiently.

There is some strange unknown aroma surrounding this twilight as if everything around us is a bit tipsy. I could hear your breathing and feel the warmness of your company. Believe me, I feel at peace right at this moment sitting besides you.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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