Kartar Singh Sarabha

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Size: 24 inches x 48 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Kartar Singh Sarabha is regarded as one the most influential freedom fighter which not only cherishes spiritual Patriotism, rather he is regarded as epitome of the ignited spirit of Punjab. This artwork is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and he is regarded as one of the best artworks of all time.

oh my love, My motherland, You are epitome of kindness and grace,
Your attribution and your Golden charm, are greatest of all,
And I am Proud of you, I am you and you are me, Oh my Motherland,
Yet, Your life have been full of struggle,

Since the centuries, You have been in the shackles,
and it has been the wisest, Thus where the golden bird, realized itself,
Dear motherland, your grains are lovely, your fields are mesmerizing,
and I might consider this, and shall seek the sunlight,

where the tryst with destiny
Therefore, has seen the charm, and has ignited the spiritual Patriotism 
and you shall remain, till the time goes by and see the charm,
Thus, be yourself, where love is the gentlest of all!!!!

and brightest is the future…!!!

Kartar Singh Sarabha

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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