The Eternal Faith- Devotional art

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Eternal Faith- Devotional art describes the phase of separation when days turn into months and months into years. But her eyes are still waiting for her lover. It represents the greatness of the fortunate colors all around the world.

This painting is made with the help of water colors and the dimensions are 18 inches x 18 inches.

I don’t wanna answer their inquisitions
and give them the peace that they so desire:
let them think whatever they want to;
It never mattered neither it ever will,

of what they perceive of us anyways…
Come, my Love! come to me
let them call us whatever they want to;
I have you and you have me,

that is enough for this lifetime:
you are the only ocean, that
I want to drown myself into
and you are the only forest, that

I want to lost myself into, everything else
is mere a passing wave to me…

Thus, for so long, it has been so kind, so amazing
The love that was supposed to flow from mountains
And the calmness which has been sleeked and pre defined,
The charm and The greatest of great, was all that I need,

from you..!!!

The Eternal Faith- Devotional art

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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