The Melody and Her Refined Grace

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Size: 32 inches x 32 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Melody and Her Refined Grace is a soothing artwork which elaborates the notion that the elegance cannot be ignored in dark beauty. That skin tone is just a shade, the real beauty will be noticed when you look at her pungent face.

People or should I say strangers
Because, rushing inside one by one
Therefore, have they come to mourn the dead
or have they gathered to gossip the living

Yet, do they even feel a little bit of remorse
Thus, or they just came to save their faces
My eyes watching the utter chaos
soothing the hollowness of my heart

Because, my mind kept asking the same question
did they even knew him at all
the even loved him a little bit
nobody came when he was alive

now they are buzzing around but for what??
Is the value of human being determined
after he has left this rusting world
why they didn’t came to share

the stories of his youth with him
did his worth was realized only after
his breathing slowed & his heart stopped, my heart

The Melody and Her Refined Grace

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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