Morning Flowers

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Morning symbolizes a new beginning, a graceful blessing, a rejuvenated hope. The sun rises from the mountains, dispersing the happiness all over and the birds fly for their freedom. The mist just above ground fades away as the sun rays reach me by peeking from the window curtains. They encourage me to open my eyes and tell me to start a new day with new spirit. When I walk into the garden, I feel the cold breeze and the warmth the sun rays at the same time. My feet touch the dewy grass and the morning flowers greet me with a smiling faces. The butterflies flutter all around me swinging their soft and vibrant wings which add colors to the surroundings.

The morning flowers have always inspired me to start a new day with full zeal. The dew drops on the petals of the flowers reflect the sun rays by taking the colors of the petals start shining like jewels. The flowers dance with the gust of wind making the dew drops drop down on the grass. The grass halms break the tension of the drops by dispersing them on the ground. At last, the sound of chirping birds adds melody to the beautiful morning scenes spreading the bliss all around.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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