The Urban Tribal Girl

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

It was almost twilight as she was riding back to her home with her childhood friend Roxane whom she was riding right now. They had enjoyed all day together and explored almost half of their hometown. She was known as the urban tribal girl among her college friends. She is in her college for half of the year. But, for the rest of the year she likes to come back to her hometown to live with her family and native people.

Today’s ride was something special, she got to meet her old aunt who lives in the countryside. Moreover, the ride to there was like a exotic scenery out of some romantic movie as the roadside was full of cherry blossoms in their full bloom. She got reminded of the sweet summer days of her childhood. Life nowadays is full of worries and stress. It feels like everyone is running in some race and no one is seeming to win. However, feels really fortunate and blessed to have a sense of relief by coming here for the summers every year.

The urban tribal girl is quite popular among her native people for her boldness and for her straightforwardness. Whenever, she rides Roxane it feels like she is flying among the clouds as the wind plays with her hair. Now, it’s almost night as she reaches her home on the hillside.

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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