the weekend music original handmade painting. figurative artwork for sale
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‘The Weekend Music’ is original handmade painting. This figurative artwork is inspired from the British Modern Paintings. Moreover, it is regarded as a musical painting. The colors used in this painting are naturally pigmented acrylic colors.

Art does not know the boundaries of time and language. It travels from heart to heart, from ear to ear. Music is not constricted by any means, nor any other form of art is. Art originates from an artist and goes to an art lover.

To understand the true meaning of the art, a person needs to understand himself first. Then only he can understand the true meaning of the real happiness. He can be away from the all materialistic world. If you get to know the faithful ways of happiness, you won’t be alone even if you are all lone in this world. You will always have your art with you…

The Weekend Music painting is best suited for the homes as well as hotels. As it can create a musical yet calm vibe all around the place. The way this painting depicts the olden time in a contemporary style makes this painting one of its kind. Also, you can get more of these paintings on your website with exciting prices.

The dimensions of the paintings are 18 x 26 inches.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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