Dance paintings-The freedom

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This Dance paintings-The freedom is a beautiful artwork of a dancing girl. The colors in this dance painting are very subtle and neutral in tone. The most naturally pigment acrylic colors are visible in this artwork on a canvas sheet. The love and dedication an artist has for their art is incomprehensible, whether that art form is dance or painting.

Different art forms depict infinite emotions and feelings that any person can relate to. Just like in this painting the emotions of the dancing girl are being represented through her dance. As we usually say, a person can tell a thousand lies but their eyes always reveal the truth. Just is the case with dance, a person can hide his/her true feelings from everyone but their actual emotions are reflected whenever they dance. Not even the performer can stop the real truth from flowing through their movements and steps.

The world is indeed a stage and we all are performers who are playing their part diligently until our time comes to an end. There will always be sudden situation where we might have to halt our performance. But we must always keep one thing in mind that the show must go on.

The style of this painting is also very contemporary and new in nature. This type of artwork will give a new positive vibe to the place where it will be displayed. Such painting looks best with modern interior decor at home and at office as well.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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