The moon and Her lover- Love art

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The moon and Her lover- Love art

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The moon and Her lover- Love art is an acrylic painting which symbolizes love between beloved and her lover. The moon in the artwork depicts the lover as he is far away from her and she is thinking about his presence.

One has to deal with its repercussions
living an unbound life is not an option
either it’s gonna consume you inside out
or it’s gonna set you free to do it yourself
your hope is doomed

Therefore, destiny is presumed
your end is already fixed…
Thus, You will be left empty handed
with only your regret to accompany you

so if you ever see a tempting mirage
Thus,let your impulses guide you through it
don’t just rush into claiming it
stop wait see think and then

be wise enough to deny it…
Though it will allure you towards it
Because,it will play with your emotions
try to manipulate your instincts

it will make you think otherwise
so if something like this ever happens
Thus,run and run like it’s the only chance
Therefore, you will ever get of surviving…

The moon and Her lover- Love art

Artist Gurdish Pannu

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