In Her Dreams

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

In Her Dreams is World Famous Original Textured painting which is made from acrylic colors. It is widely recognized  for portraying the her Emotions and mood while she is in conversation with her dreams.

By running over the beautiful loneliness,
But Do you really remember when we met…oh my dreams?
Although The day when we faced each other….
And I wanna tell you that I love you

Thus,Come to me and lets feel each other
And the love of life and the real relation
Because I wanna tell that I love you
And Come to me and feel the love

But By running over the beautiful loneliness
Because lets feel the vibe of almighty’s grace all together
and dance with each other..over the melody of humming birds..

And Lets see where we are supposed to go…
But,on quest…in the journey of life
Thus,the real love of life and feel the vibe
Therefore,Come to me and feel the love
By running over the beautiful loneliness

Although The day when we faced each other….
And I wanna tell you that I love you

Therefore,Come to me and feel the love
By running over the beautiful loneliness

In Her Dreams

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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