The woman and the moon painting is a beautiful figurative painting of a young girl under the crescent moon night holding her head high.
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The woman and the moon painting is one of the most beautiful modern woman artworks which is made with the natural acrylic colors. It is developed from the idea of self contentment that comes from the balance of peace that is with in and also around us. Moreover, the colors used in this artwork are vibrant and warm in tone.

There is balance in everything that resides in nature. But, woman is the best creation that is there in this nature. Being a woman is the epitome of balance. However, the balance between heart and mind, between desires and temptations, between right and wrong, between being strong and soft can only be attained by a woman. She is the nurturer of the nature, the one who gives life and who has the power to sustain it.

Furthermore, this type of painting is best suitable for displaying in the living room or drawing room. The abstract style of this figurative painting is very contemporary and modern. Modern offices prefer such painting for interior decor. You can also explore our website for other such exclusive artworks of various genres.

-The dimensions of the painting are 18 inches x 26 inches.

-The woman and the moon painting

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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