Woman Paintings-The Smile

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

This is one of the best modern woman paintings-The smile which reflects the pure joy of girl’s life through her smile when her soul blooms with new thoughts. This contemporary painting is made by using pure acrylic natural colors. Different shades of blue, purple and yellow colors are used very subtly, yet each color stands out on its own. This type of painting spreads positivity and good vibes all around the space where it is displayed. The style of this artwork is very chique and modern.

She believes that our mind should be like a host, who should welcome its guest with full compassion. And everyday a new thought knocks at our door uninvited. Just like we never make our guests leave without entertaining them. Similarly never stop any thought from entering the house of your mind. Then if you feel like, make it stay with you for a little while more, if not, then ask it politely to not disrupt your composure. It may carry the sweet truth of our being or it may have bought you some answers to the unsolved riddles. If you try to explain an unborn seed that the world outside its womb is filled with infinite marvels of the world.

Moreover, that seed who has forever lived in the darkness of the womb will never believe in your absurdity. So, don’t be like that seed who is not capable of swallowing such simple truths. Be the perpetually cheering host who unlocks his heart to the visitor whether it’s sterling or inept. Embrace all that comes your way and commence your voyage to the ocean of purpose and meaning.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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