Mystic Beginning

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Size: 18 inches x 26 inches.

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Yes, I am in union with your decision. I agree with your methods to succeed in life. The tips to have a peaceful life and the tips which will help to live a stress free life. Now, is the start of the mystic beginning where one color of life will mix with other one and there will be a change in everything. There will be positivity everywhere and the little angles of happiness will play in the courtyard. Thank you for teaching me the real essence and meaning of life.

I am so humbled that you helped me with your knowledge about the quest that a person must go through in life to attain that state of being elated and connected to the One. Moreover, I feel light now and it feels like some kind of burden has been lifted up from my soul. I feel like decorating this earth and sky with the sparkle that you gave me. Before I met you, I always felt heavy at heart. But, the union with knowledge of the ultimate truth has given me wings to fly high in the sky.

There is nothing that is impossible if you really believe that you can achieve it. If this happens then that day is not far when you will make your every dream come true. Life teaches you various lessons and once you go through them, you will learn the real meaning of life. You will find it beautiful and magical. So, keep learning and keep believing in yourself.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu.

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