A Thousand Moments

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Living in this modern era is not an easy task. Everyone is just running from one destination to another in search of success. But, the feeling of satisfaction is no where to be seen. To get a few minutes of spare time feels like a thousand moments of peaceful spell.

Sitting in the remote corner of her timid room, she tries to move away from the chaos outside. Plugging into her favourite songs she looses herself into the world of music. Moreover, the melodies soothe her soul deeply and gives her the courage to face every difficulty. The world messes with her solace, but she enjoys a thousand moments as if a passing wave of rhythms rush by. 

However, this bliss is not eternal. She tries to capture it with all her might, trying to make them last a bit more. And just like that another day passes leaving behind the hope of a new dawn. She embraces the peace it offers and the lessons it teaches her to make the most of upcoming period of new changes. The cold breeze ruffles her hair and the soft leaves kisses her checks reminding her of the nature’s warmth once again. And behind those closed eyes, she feels whole once again. 

-Artist Gurdish Pannu


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