The Everlasting Relation

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Size: 27 x 41 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The Everlasting Relation is a saga that has been going on since the ages. It refers to the nexus of emotions that a girl carries with her,throughout her life. The societal structure prompts her to celebrate every role that she is supposed to play, without out letting the desires which she is beholding.

Though, she is fine with it. Rather she lines up all her wisdom and priorities all along the path prescribed. But, then finds herself in dilemma while passing it all to her daughter. 

Every stage she goes by, puts her in different shades of emotions which she would be caring all her life. In addition to this, she would also eradicate the way for the unsung desires of her soul.

This painting, named ‘The Everlasting Relation’ is pictorial depiction of the same union of fluctuations. Where, the mother is spinning the Wheeler which symbolizes life in itself and the daughter is glancing at the role which she would be playing in the years to come. This passing of the roles from one generation to the next is what people call, the traditions of a land, but the notion of role fixation needs to be pondered. 

-Artist Gurdish Pannu   

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