Young Dreams- Beauty of Adolescence Punjab

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Young Dreams- Beauty of Adolescence Punjab is a piece of art which elaborates the desires of a young girl are taking place in her heart and mind. Loneliness seems to her calmness where she is in pleasure with building a dream house. This artwork is made by artist Gurdish Pannu.

This Painting is made with soothing water colors and the dimensions are 18 inches x 18 inches.

The red youth is blooming
aggressively; taking all the burden
upon themselves; striving to exist
and prosper in this competitive

world; to make a name in every field
as they are the fame seekers…
The black youth is seemingly
evil; they are the wanderers

of confusion: they make each other
as well as others astray from
the right path; towards their doom
as they are the impending leeches…

The green youth is graciously
aesthetic; flourishing everywhere
they roam; they make everything
and anything shine once they set

their mind and heart into it
as they are the nature lovers…
The white youth is in peaceful
solace; they are not concerned

with the raging world around
them; they tend to live in their
own personal spaces silently
as they are the social bystanders…

The blue youth is a water
baby; flowing throughout their
growth years; they can mold and
remold themselves and the

others surrounding them
as they are our neutral caretaker

Young Dreams- Beauty of Adolescence Punjab

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

More Paintings by Gurdish Pannu

Canvas Print Available @ 199!!
Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!