Garden of Eden- Fortune painting

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Garden of Eden- Fortune painting is painted by Artist Gurdish Pannu. And the thoughts and principles of Christianity are the inspiration for this painting. People regard this artwork as an epitome of grace and well being as it enhances the charm of a place and brings Good Luck.

The views say much in its own language. Art is a language which can be listened only by heart. And this nature is a art of God. However, the one who has purity in his heart can listen to the tunes of the art. The colors of this nature has something alluring that I keep getting attracted towards it. I have been to various corner of this world. Furthermore, the colors and the hues of this nature might not be same at everywhere but the essence of beauty lurks with uniformity.

It gives me the vibe of freedom. The freedom to feel free, to breath free. The feeling which smells like spring, smells like blooming flowers. Consequently, it smells happiness for me. Moreover, it resembles the shine and warmth of a sun after the it rains

Garden of Eden- Fortune painting is best choice for bedrooms and offices. It can bring positive energy to your place and good fortune to the people. Henceforth, give your place a new makeover and bring shine to it.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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