Dance Paintings-The golden balance is a beautiful painting of a young dancing girl to the tunes of life.
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This is one of the best dance paintings-The golden balance which is a trending form of art made from the organic natural colors. The shades of the colors are very refreshing and balanced giving a sense of perfection. This type of artwork gives an aesthetic vibe the place where it is displayed. Look very perfect with the modern interiors and decor with subtle tones.

The girl once visited a golden city to find the golden balance in her life. There resided the iron people with stone hearts. Their faced were caked with silver but their intensions were completed rusted. Nature itself was modified into unbeknownst. The desires and aspirations of those iron people were so high, that it melted right at the moment when they touched the sun of their success. The air of the golden city was polluted with the plastic egos. And those who still had some spark left in them were drowned in the water of failures.

Moreover, their evenings were a puppet show of repeated cycle of events without any meaning. Silver strangers roamed the streets with curiousness in their inquisitive eyes. Delicate relations were lost in the deep ocean of benefits. Their diamond worth was estimated with their levels of utility. Once someone enters the city she will be fooled with all the shine and sparkle of its glowing beauty. But be warned my friend, it takes you with open arms and chew you inside out and then throw you aside to search for a new admirer just like her.

-The dimensions of the painting are 18 inches x 18 inches.

-Dance Paintings-The golden balance

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

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