Hall Vahonda Vdde Tarhke Da- Punjabi Farmer Painting

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Hall Vahonda Vdde Tarhke Da- Punjabi Farmer Painting

Size: 18 inches x 24 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Hall Vahonda Vdde Tarhke Da- Punjabi Farmer Painting is a beautiful artwork which represents the true spirit of the land of five rivers. It has the different shades of colors which symbolize the emotions through which the land has passed. It is flawless depiction of real man. The people of the land, who have shaped it, carved it and found the best out it.

Though the times are changing, and we as individuals are moving far away from our village to factories situated in cities, in search of kindness and happiness but the price we are paying for it, is the beloved nature. This painting displays the bond that we as mankind, share with the nature.

Thus, the seeds sown by a farmer shape the culture and place of a place and this is the real essence of being alive. So, this artwork is the ultimate source of inspiration. And that too, for all the people who have come far away from their homes to make fortunes.

Therefore, the relaxation and the calmness is eternal which is felt by glancing at the Painting. It sings about the soil of Punjab and all those men who have Punjab somewhere deep inside them.

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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