Just a Gaze

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

As she is walking down the street, a thousand little intrusions are hindering her thought process. She can’t think straight with all the noises coming from every corner surrounding her naive being. Just a gaze was enough for her to find her peace among the chaos around her. 

In a small corner near the last bench under the cherry blossom tree there was a sweet little child playing with his grandparents. Upon seeing that sight, every sugary memory of her childhood came rushing back to her. Those parks, those friends, those summer evenings and those carefree days of full freedom, all of them are still there. They are all  dancing their happy dance under the heavy burden of today’s reality.

Moreover, with the ever-changing world as nothing is certain, neither our emotions nor the circumstances we will face. The only thing one can do in order to survive in this is to just keep progressing no matter what. And with just a gaze she is reminded of her reality and she passes the cherry blossom tree leaving the memories of her past behind her. The child keeps playing in all his naiveness without a single worry of the things that he is going to face in the future.

– Artist Gurdish Pannu

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