Her Elegance- Beautiful Female Portrait

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Her Elegance- Beautiful Female Portrait describes that this stunning face can be look at without even blinking eyes for long. These pungent features of her face are very rare to find. This artwork is made by artist Gurdish Pannu and it reflects the kindness of the colors which has been used by the artist.

Will you eat her ears off with your constant talking?
you also strengthen her ideologies?
Will you make offers when you want something?
you tell her which color suits her the most?

Will you also hold her that tightly?
you call her by those cute names?
Will you get angry over foolish things?
you act as a stubborn asshole with her also?

Will you also hurt her in the exact manner?
you do those hour long discussions with her?
Will you get to know about her unsaid words?
you tolerate her nonsense talks & silly habits?

Will you cheer her up whenever she’s feeling low?
you tell her how pretty she looks without makeup.
Will you tease her the same way?
you be her safe haven always?

Her Elegance- Beautiful Female Portrait

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

More Paintings by Gurdish Pannu

Canvas Print Available @ 199!!
Gurdish Pannu Art Studio!!