Sri Farhad-Punjabi Painting

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Sri Farhad-Punjabi Painting

Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

‘Sri Farhad-Punjabi Painting’ is world Famous Punjabi culture artwork which is made from water colors. This painting is popular for its best depiction of Punjabi folk love. This painting is epitome of happiness and near to almighty grace.

The prince of Persia, Khosrow fell in love with an Armenian princess – Shirin ,when his friend, showed him a picture of  her and described her charisma and divine aura.

Khosrow requested him to seduce her by talking about the prince and showing her his picture. The girl found the picture very attractive and decided to go to Persia to meet the Prince.

She returned without meeting the prince because his father’s death. The two lovers could not meet for a while because of a chain of strange coincidences. 

Meanwhile, a stone carver, named Farhad, was introduced to the girl. He fell in love with the princess at first sight to which even she was impressed.

He started writing love letters for her and beautiful poems about her beauty. The lover became famous for his mad love but the prince could not resist it.The fact that another man was trying to steal his beloved.

The prince decided to deceive the lover.He made him think that the princess could be won,if he could cut a passage through the Bistoon Mountains. The lover agreed and never gave up and became a symbol of love.

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