Sri Farhad-Panjabi Painting

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Size: 18 inches x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

Lovers live eternally. Their love ignites the cosmos and paves way to harmony and peace. The land over which the lovers survive and they perish, becomes blessed. In case of Punjab, almighty has graced the land of five rivers with various shades of love. Naming few, Heer Ranjha, Sassi Punnu, sohni Mahiwal and Mirza Sahiba. But, one of these which is epitome of sacrifice and valor is the love story of Sri Farhad which is beautifully portrayed in  Sri Farhad-Panjabi Painting’.

Farhad was asked to cut the mountain by prince of Persia, only if he wanted to marry his beloved. In the wilderness, he went and started breaking the stones of the mountain with his pickax.

Every stork that he made, he repeated the name of Shirin and the miracle happened. Hundreds of strokes fell whenever he hit the one. The power of love was so majestic and so glorious, that the mountain fell apart.

Therefore, he completed the task in days which was supposed to be done in years. Finally,his love became his strength and even the mountain surrendered in front of his commitment and dedication.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

Sri Farhad-Panjabi Painting

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