Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da- Punjabi Folk Painting

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Size: 18 x 18 inches

Medium: Acrylic Colors on Canvas

Original Handmade Painting: Available

Canvas Prints: Available

The beautiful journey of Punjab which dates back to Harrppa civilization, passes through the vedic era of Sapta Sindhu and finally ‘Panj’ and ‘aab’, has a lot of tales and stories to tell. These Sagas vary from being tragic for few and being inspirational for many. Even the interpretators of the events that occured, you have the own stories to express. But, what is ‘Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da- Punjabi Folk Painting’ all about?

The beautiful painting is about the Punjab which we have left behind due to advancement of technology and industry. It reflects the era when villages were often visited by old story tellers. They used to play ‘Sarangi‘ and sing the sagas of the centuries.

Mostly, the storytellers would preach teachings of Shri Guru Nanak Dev Ji by ballads and sonnets which were inspirational not only for the children but for the individuals of old age as well.These heavenly individuals were the only source of passing history from one generation to another. Their contribution towards the Punjabi society and moreover towards its development is eternal.

-Artist Gurdish Pannu

Ucha Dar Babe Nanak Da- Punjabi Folk Painting


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